When applying for a payday loan, there are a few key pieces of information you’ll need to provide to your prospective lender or loan broker. The great news is that with Funding Zest you apply 100% online. It’s super easy to get an instant decision from home, using your laptop, phone, or tablet. Apply For A Payday Loan With Basic Details.
Here’s the list of what potential lenders need to know about YOU…
- Name
- Address
- Date of birth
- Contact details – email and phone
- Monthly income
- Employment details
- Amount you wish to borrow
- How long you wish to borrow for
- Bank account number
- Social security number or some official i.d.
If you’re considering applying for a loan, it is best to have these details at the ready, so that you can provide them as quickly as possible when these details are requested. Gather all the information from your Apply For A Payday Loan With Basic Details list above.
Even once you’ve provided some of these, your lender may get in touch to ask for some more documents or details.
Must I Tell Prospective Lenders My Credit History?
For most loans and with most lenders, your credit history is very important. It can determine whether or not you get the loan. Checking credit is automated and quick. Your credit record will be accessible to your potential lenders. With that in hand, they’ll see for themselves your habits when it comes to loans and repayments.
Learn what your credit record is. That way you can boost your credit score for a better chance at loan approval. Be proactive. You have a choice to find out your score and understand how to make a difference.
You can check it on the FICO website.
When I Apply For A Payday Loan With Basic Details Will They Be Secure?
Of course. When using a lender, or a loans broker like ourselves, your safety and security are paramount. We – like others – understand how personal financial circumstances are, and that many borrowers want to keep their cards close to their chests. For that reason, we keep your personal details confidential, and the information you share with us will be kept between us, you, and our lenders. The only people to have access to your information are those involved in the process of providing you with a loan.
This should be the case for all regulated lenders and brokers. You should, before engaging with any potential lenders, check that they are regulated on the OLA website, the SEC register, or by checking their status with the Better Business Bureau.
Will I Need To Show A Pay Stub To Get A Loan?
In our panel of lenders, many will want to see a pay stub to understand you. They need to know your income. If they know you have a steady income that makes you a better borrower in their eyes. They’ll ask for that prior to agreeing to be your lender.
Not all lenders will want to see your pay stub. So don’t worry if you’d rather opt for a loan that doesn’t require this from you.
Whether a lender wants to see a pay stub will also depend upon how much you want to borrow and how long for. If you are seeking a larger loan, then it is more likely they’ll ask for your pay stub.
Do I Need To Show My Driver’s License To Get A Loan?
You probably will not need to show your driver’s license to secure a loan. Although it could be accepted as a form of i.d. mentioned in the list above: Apply For A Payday Loan With Basic Details. You will need to provide some form of identification, but not necessarily in the form of a driver’s license.
Do I Need To Pass A Credit Check To Get A Loan?
Not necessarily. While many of our lenders will check your credit history, many loan providers are committed to making loans accessible to those who have had tricky financial pasts. This means that even if you are concerned about your credit record being your downfall, you most likely will be able to secure a no-credit-check loan.
Am I Eligible For A Payday Loan?
Before you apply for a payday loan, find out if you are eligible. Payday loans are one of the quickest and easiest ways to get a loan. But, you have to meet certain eligibility criteria to get loan approval.
You’ve seen the list – Apply For A Payday Loan With This Information. Now, here are the main four stipulations for securing a payday loan you:
- Must be a U.S. resident.
- Have to be at least 18 years of age.
- Need to have a consistent income with earnings at a minimum of $800 (sometimes $500, depending on the lender) per month.
- Must have a checking account that your payday loan can be deposited into.
Before you apply for a loan…
Really think about whether or not a loan is right for you.
Do you truly need it?
Can you can keep up with repayments?